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Join us!

Your application as a pilot is welcome. This site is entirely managed on a voluntary basis for the passion of aviation and the pleasure of flight simulation.

Our company is open to any pilot. No cooptation is requested.

The information you are asked to provide is the subject of a computer recording intended for the management of pilots and reserved for the strictly internal use of Littoral Airlines. In accordance with the law " informatique et libertés " of January 6th 1978 modified, you have the right to access and rectify any of your information by sending a message to the Staff.

The processing of personal data operated from the website of Littoral Airlines not being implemented in the framework of professional, political or associative activities, is by deliberation n° 2005-284 of November 22nd, 2005, exempted from declaration to the CNIL (Dispense DI-006 J.O n° 293 of December 17th, 2005).
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Thanks for your registration, see you soon on our airlines.

Pilot in flight

Littoral key figures...

  • Cre: 103 pilot
  • Activit: 132822 flight
  • Flying Tim: 234091 hour
  • Covered distanc: 81059630 Nm

AviaSim partnership

Network credentials

ivao hq

IVAO French division

ivao fr official


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