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Regulation of the Company


We welcome your application as a pilot. This site is entirely run on a voluntary basis and registration is entirely free in order to promote the passion of aviation and the pleasure of flight simulation.Our company is also open to all pilots without any entrance exam.

Article 1 - Registration

The requests for registration must be complete and mention necessarily name and first name of registry office of the applicant as well as the city of residence (and department) and a identity photo (size 100x100 pixel) at the risk of being refused. The anonymous registrations are not accepted. The pilots are invited to send a photo to appear in the trombin' air of the company. At the time of his registration the pilot must be 15 years old completed and must justify his request within the form on line for this purpose, under penalty of refusal. Each pilot who at the time of the registration is not registered on I.V.A.O. for the learning or the maintain of its flight activity on the network cannot be accepted as a member of Littoral Airlines VA. To register on I.V.A.O. click here :I.V.A.O.. Once registration is approved the pilot can also register on the Facebook page of the company by clicking on the "f" visible on the right on the pages of the site and subscribe to the Youtube Channel of Littoral Airlines by clicking on the "Youtube" onblet visible on the right on the pages of the site.

The information requested is subject of a computer recording intended for the management of pilots and reserved for the strictly internal use of Littoral Airlines. In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of 6 January 1978 as amended, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you by sending a message to the Staff. The processing of personal data made on the Littoral Airlines website not being implemented in the framework of professional, political or associative activities, is by deliberation n ° 2005-284 of November 22, 2005, exempt from Declaration to the CNIL (Dispense DI-006 OJ No 293 of 17 December 2005).

Article 2 - Flights

The registered pilots are invited to fly according to their desiderata or according to the flights schedule placed under the division administrator responsibility, by taking care to send their flight reports after every flight realized on the network (see the PIREPS section). Flight reservations are not compulsory contrary to flight reports (Pireps). Flight reservations must be made if necessary, at least before start up. Mainly cargo flights. Flights realised out of the network as well as reports for flights realised out of the network are not accepted, even for flights under the number LAL0000, the vocation of the virtual company being to participate at the flights activities on the network I.V.A.O. to which it is affiliated and with which it is certified, but also to promote this type of flight with the pilots. N.B : CS/LITTORAL is required in the very first position of block 15 reserved for remarks for IVAPs as well as the indication RMK/IVAOVA/LIT. It should be noted that no one is authorised to fly under a Littoral pilot call sign for which he or she is not the holder, unless he or she is a member of the company's flight crew.

As far as flights for the Aeroclub and VIP divisions are concerned, in addition to the regular flights shown in the flight tables and the flights organised as part of events, pilots are also free to carry out VIP flights under the number LAV0000 departing from the airports of their choice to destinations of their choice in France, the French Overseas Departments and Territories and abroad, and Aeroclub flights under the number LAA0000 departing from airports in France and the French Overseas Departments and Territories. A PIREP must be completed for these flights, as for all other flights.

Article 3 - Activity

If during the first two months, the trainee-pilot realized no flight for the company, he (she) is automatically removed. The flights made for Littoral Airlines have necessarily to be registered after each flight as a report (PIREP) on the website of the company using the online form. On the other hand, the input of PIREPS on the site of IVAO is not requested by the company and is not validated by the Staff. It is therefore useless to register the PIREPS on the IVAO website. The trainee-pilots who, at the end of the first six months following their registration, did not realize a minimum of 25 hours (of flight) on the network are removed from the company without advance notice. In case of predictable prolonged inactivity, a message will be sent to the Staff of the company. In case of inactivity over a long period without any justification, the pilot will be removed from the company. For all the pilots a minimum of 4 hours of flight per month under Littoral Airlines callsign is required on the network subject to the situations exposed above, and at the risk of temporary or definitive suspension.

Article 4 - Promotion and rank

Each new pilot is hired as trainee-pilot for a period of two months minimum, which could be extended to six months maximum. The flights made for the company are counted if they have been registered into a flight report. The validated hours to reach the rank of qualified pilot are only the hours made on the network I.V.A.O.. Even if a trainee–pilot exceeds 25 hours registered out of the network, he (she) nevertheless stays trainee-pilot with regard to LAL as long as he (she) did not totalise 25 hours of connection on the network I.V.A.O.. Also, if he (she) exceeds 25 hours on the network before the end of two months minimum of training he (she) is automatically promoted to the rank of qualified pilot. In both cases he (she) keeps the quality of trainee-pilot during the two months. The passages to the upper rank are function of the number of hours capitalized until the rank of 1st Flight Officer. To reach the rank of Captain, an on-line evaluation by the Chief Pilot or his delegate is mandatory. To reach the various superior qualifications attached to the Rank of Captain, the candidate must necessarily, excluding exceptions planned in the article 5, to take according to the qualification, a test of qualification, an examination in flight, or an aptitude test. As an exception to the present article, the airline pilots (FO) who totalize more than 5000 h to the exclusive profit of the company Littoral Airlines, can be promoted by advancement to the rank of Line Captain, with the benefit of their seniority within the company and thus exempted from taking this exam.

Memento of Littoral pilots ranks :

 00H00 to 25H00  Trainee-Pilot
 25H00 to 50H00  Qualified Pilot
 50H00 to 75H00  Commercial Pilot
 75H00 to 125H00  1st Pilot Officer
 125H00 to 250H00  Captain "Line Captain" (Evaluation on line compulsory)
 250H00 to 350H00  Captain "Full Captain" (Qualification test compulsory)
 350H00 to 500H00  Captain "Senior Captain" (Exam in flight compulsory)
 Above 500H00  Captain "Training Captain" (Aptitud Test compulsory)
Honorific title Captain "Honor" (Honor member designed by the Staff)

Article 5 - Fast upgrade

For the pilots who have a real aeronautical title PPL, CPL, or ATPL, a procedure called “fast upgrade” can be implemented on their request after examination of the registration form and the production of a copy of their license and the page of the logbook presenting the total of their hours (sending copies documents scanned as attachments). They obtain a promotion by equivalence in the rank of private Pilot (PP) Commercial pilot (CP) ou Airline Pilote (FO). The pilots who when recruited, already have a good experience in hours of flight on the network I.V.A.O. (HQ Awards + 1000 h) before their entrance in the company, can after 25 h minimum and the training period of two months, and examination of their I.V.A.O. titles, take benefit from the procedure of fast upgrade and promoted to a rank of Commercial Pilot (CP). The pilots who when recruited, already have a solid experience in hours of flight on the network I.V.A.O. (HQ Awards + 2000 h) before their entrance in the company, can after 50 h minimum and à period of four months, and examination of their I.V.A.O. titles, take benefit from the procedure of fast upgrade and promoted to a rank of First Officer (FO). The pilots already registered with more than 125 h at Littoral as pilot or on IVAO, who are PP on the network I.V.A.O. are exempted of taking the examination of Line Captain. This rank is attributed to them by equivalence. The pilots already registered with more than 250 h at Littoral as pilot or on IVAO, who are SPP on the network I.V.A.O. are exempted of taking the examination of Full Captain. This rank is attributed to them by equivalence. The pilots already registered with more than 350 h at Littoral as pilot or on IVAO, who are CP on the network I.V.A.O. are exempted of taking the examination of Senior Captain. This rank is awarded to them by equivalence.

Article 6 - Communication

Each new pilot will automatically be registered into the mailing lists (ML) without particular initiative from him/her. This mailing list and the Facebook page are exclusively reserved for the activity and for the life of Littoral Airlines, but not for the reservations and the flight reports. All the members engage themselves to make a use in compliance with the object of the company and by extension aeronautics. If a pilot does not wish to be a member of this mailing list he can cancel the subscription from the group of his own without making a demand, via the unsubscription address which is at the end of all the e-mails. The company also has a YouTube channel on which the pilots made the videos are broadcastYou can freely subscribe to this channel here.

A Discord server is at pilot's exclusive disposal. They can use it in order to discuss "in voice" exclusively for the company activity. The operating mode should be found online on the website.

All new registered pilot can access to the ML and Discord without restriction under the condition of the use rules respect: 

    1. The mailing list (ML) and Discord are internal services of the Littoral Airlines virtual company. The access to these services are only reserved to the pilots of Littoral Airlines.
    2. The messages of the members on the company mailing list must be signed with name, first name and littoral pilot callsign (LITXXX).
    3. A correct language, readable and understanable by everyone is required. Under no circumstances will be accepted:
      • Repeted spelling mistakes and harmful for message reading.
      • SMS language, uppercase abuse, ...
    4. Flood is not authorized. Message only wrote with smiley, "+1" or message which are not relevant with the discussion will be removed.
    5. Obscene, insulting, racist, xenophobic or discriminatory sentiments will not be tolerated. Discuss should stay respectful because it's not the place for settling of scores. So, aggresive or slanderous discuss, insult and criticism towards another person, rude words and rudeness and in general all messages which are in infraction with the french law in force are not allowed. Such behaviours will be studied by the Staff which could take all necessary decisions and sanctions.
    6. Religious proselytism or for dubious movements is outlawed.
    7. Message launding computer piracy, hacking, are forbidden. Member must repect copyright in their messages. It is not allowed to copy or record the content of message or talk without the author(s) agreement.
    8. Advertising for other virtual companies are not autorized.
    9. It is strongly recommended to verify that a question has not already be asked before by anybody else on the mailing list.
    10. It is strongly recommended to read entirely a discuss or a message before sending a response in order to avoid repetition.
    11. It is not allowed to send several times the same message. Repetition are unpleasant and unnecessary.
    12. Falsification and hoax are not allowed. Point it out if you have some doubt with what you say or what you write.

Moderator will do all necessary things as quickly as possible to remove all messages which do not respect the rules. All message and  speech involved only their authors and not the moderators or the Staff or the company. So consequently the moderators, the Staff and the company should not be held responsible neitheir the behaviour nor the discuss of the members.

All discuss which violate these above provisions will be immediately removed without any notice or justification as soon as possible. The pilot access to the communication services could be possibly suspended. All prolonged abuse could involve the termination of the member account.

Article 7 - Sponsorship

After his registration each new pilot can ask the Staff to join the optional system of coaching for his initial training. According to availability a "coach" will conduct him (her) during the first two months of training (initiation into the tools of connection on the network, first steps towards the flights under control ATC, procedures). He has to introduce him (her) self on the ML to the other pilots and so becomes a "godchild" ready to correspond in audio or in chat through Skype, Discord or any other way with his coach during all his progress. This friendly system of coaching completes the action of the training school of the company and does not exclude the trainee from learning also the theory on the pages of the site.

Article 8 - Events proposal projects

The pilots can propose grouped flights or fly'ins. For it, they have to send a message to the Staff to submit their propositions. After validation and only in these conditions, him (her) can make an information on the ML and be assisted by the division administrator in charge of the envisaged type of flights, with whom they also will have contact. The pilots do not organize "on their own” any event or does not invite directly the pilots on a an big project, without the approval of the Staff.

Article 9 - Compliance with GDPR standards

In compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation, Littoral Airlines is responsible for processing data collected on https://littoral-airlines.com/en/

In particular, the user shall be informed that in accordance with Article 32 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended, the information it provides through the form on the Littoral Airlines website is necessary to respond to its request and is intended for the service responsible for responding to and following up this request.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 39 and 40 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of 6 January 1978, as amended in 2004, the user has a right of access, rectification, updating and deletion of the information that concerns him, which he can exercise by sending a message to the Staff specifying in the subject" You also have the right to give instructions on the fate of your data after your death.

Users are informed during their visits to https://littoral-airlines.com/en/ of the automatic installation of cookies on their navigation software.

The cookie is a block of data that does not identify users but is used to record information about their browsing on the site. The user has the right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated by means of cookies under the conditions indicated above. For more information the CNIL can be consulted at this address : https://www.cnil.fr/en/

In particular, the user of Littoral Airlines's website must refrain from any collection or misuse of personal information to which it has access, and in general, any act that may affect the privacy or reputation of individuals.

All rights reserved : May 25, 2018.

Read 7217 times

Pilot in flight

Littoral key figures...

  • Cre: 104 pilot
  • Activit: 133174 flight
  • Flying Tim: 234742 hour
  • Covered distanc: 81294263 Nm

Network credentials

ivao hq

IVAO French division

ivao fr official


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