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Statutes & General terms of use



The virtual airline (VA) is a NPO (Non Profit Organization) created in June 26, 2002, and certified by the International Virtual Aviation Organization in September 2002 (IVAO), whose statutes are defined as follows:

Title I: Name - Headquarters - Purpose – Duration

Article 1: Name: Littoral Airlines. Its name is protected by the domain name Littoral-Airlines.com to which it is linked and which is registered with "EvxOnline.com" belonging to the French company Wevox, specialized in web hosting 3, rue de Franche Comté, CS50311, 50103 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin - France.

Article 2 : The head office of the association is located at place d'Iéna in Paris France. The virtual head exploitation office is located at the airport of Montpellier Méditerrannée.

Article 3: The company has a non-profit-making associative object, with an educational and aeronautical vocation in the field of aero-gaming, e-sport and meta flight (VR), aiming at gathering people interested in aviation and air traffic control in general and in flight simulation online and air traffic control in particular, acting as pilots and/or controllers. This goal is achieved by means of personal computers, local networks, the Internet and the provision of aircraft in the company's colors. For its internal and external communication, Littoral Airlines relies on social networks (Facebook, Tweeter, LinkedIn) and on a dedicated YouTube channel. Activities are organized locally as well as through remote Internet sessions.

Article 4: Littoral Airlines has been created for an indefinite period, but its activity can cease at any time. It agrees with and respects the great principle defining the legality of its activities according to the terms of the law of the 01/07/1901 stipulating that « any association founded on a cause or with an illicit object, contrary to the laws, to the good morals, or which would have for goal to undermine the integrity of the national territory and the republican form of the government, is null and void... »

Title II: Members

Article 5: The number of registered members is indeterminate. Some members appointed by the President are members of the Staff. Their name and capacity are mentioned on the page of the Staff on the site of the company. The rights and obligations of members are set out in the company's regulations. Any natural person, whose registration is validated by the Director of Human Resources, is a member of the VA by right.

Article 6: The Staff may, under the conditions it determines, also admit other persons to the company as honorary members.

Article 7: No membership fee is set for members. The pilot members and any person granting an interest to the activity of a virtual airline, can however show their support to Littoral Airlines, through the system and the participative online solidarity platform "Tipeee" of the company.

Article 8 : Each member can leave the company at any time. A pilot who resigns voluntarily must announce it in writing to the Staff. A member may be removed from the company under the conditions provided for in the regulations.

Title III : The Staff

Article 9: The Staff or management team is composed of eight persons including four divisional administrators.

Article 10: Appointment and duration of the mission of the administrators. The administrators appointed by the Founder/President and also on the proposal of one or more members of the Staff, are appointed for an unlimited period of time, which may be shortened in case of resignation on their part. In this case, the President shall provide for their replacement after consultation with the members of the Staff and canvassing among the pilots members.

Article 11 : All the members of the Staff are volunteers and exercise their functions free of charge only on the basis of voluntary work in the respect of a roadmap and the spirit of the company.

Article 12: Suspension and dismissal of Staff members. The functions of a Staff member are terminated by voluntary resignation, by death or in case of incapacity. A Staff member who voluntarily resigns must notify the President and the Staff by writing.

Article 13: Staff Responsibilities. The Executive Team shall conduct the Company in accordance with the respective mission of each of the officers as defined online on the Staff page. The members of the Staff are authorized to represent the company at the IVAO (International Virtual Aviation Organization) at the request of the President, who is authorized to enter into non-profit partnerships in the interest of the company.

Article 14: The Staff meets by audio-conference at the invitation of the President, once a month on the company's Discord server. In case of impediment or absence of the President, the meeting is chaired by the Director of Human Resources. The notice of meeting must include the agenda and be sent to the participants before the meeting is held. Minutes of each meeting are sent to the pilots on the mailing list and posted on the company's website by the Human Resources Director, who acts as secretary of the meeting. The meetings can be validly held when at least half of the members of the Staff are present.

Article 15: The Staff is competent to propose a modification of the rules or statutes, to give an advisory opinion on the appointment and dismissal of an administrator, as well as for the exclusion of a pilot.

Article 16: In normal cases, decisions are taken by an ordinary majority of the votes present. For the determination of the majority, abstentions and invalid votes are not taken into consideration. In the event of a tie, the proposal will be considered at the next Staff meeting. As a last resort, it is up to the President to decide or to use his right of veto.

Title IV : Declaration

Article 17: Littoral Airlines is an NPO created in the form of a legal association, not subject to the formalities of declaration at the Prefecture like associations defined by the law of the 01/07/1901. As well thre is on need to have publication in the French Republic Official Journal.  Its functioning or its dissolution does not require any particular formality. Its rules of functioning and organization are freely established. As such, it does not have the legal capacity of a legal entity and cannot be sued (Court of Cassation; Soc. July 12, 2010, n° 09-41.402).


General terms of use


The present document has for object to define the modalities and the conditions in which on one hand, Littoral Airlines, called below the publisher, gives to his users the site, and the services available on the site and on the other hand, the way by which the user reaches the site and uses its services. Any connection to the site is subordinated to the respect for the present conditions. For the user, the simple access to the site of the publisher at the following URL address http://littoral-airlines.com  implies the acceptance of all the conditions described below as well as the rules available here.

Intellectual property

The general structure of Littoral Airlines site, as well as the texts, the graphs, the images, the sounds and the videos composing it, are the property of the publisher or his partners. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of the contents and the services proposed by Littoral Airlines site, whatever process it is, without the prior authorization and in writing of Littoral Airlines and/or his partners is strictly forbidden and would may constitute a imitation in the sense of articles L 335-2 and followings of the Code of the intellectual property. No reproduction, even partial planned in the article L.122-5 of the Code of the intellectual property, can be made of this site without the authorization of the director of publication.

Hypertext links

Littoral Airlines site can contain hypertext links towards other present sites on the Internet network. The links towards these other resources make you leave Littoral Airlines site. It is possible to create a link towards the page of presentation of this site without express authorization of the publisher. No authorization or request of preliminary information can be required by the publisher towards a site which wishes to establish a link towards the site of the publisher. It is however advisable to show this site in a new window of the browser. However, the publisher reserves the right to ask for the deletion of a link which he estimates not in compliance with the object of Littoral Airlines site.

Responsibility of the publisher

The information and/or the documents appearing on this site and/or accessible by this site result from sources considered as being reliable. However, this information and/or documents may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The publisher reserves the right to correct them, as soon as these errors are brought to his/her knowledge. It is strongly recommended to verify the accuracy and the relevance of the information and/or the documents given on this site. The information and/or documents available on this site may be modified at any time, and can have been the object of updates. In particular, they can have been the object of an update between the moment of their download and that where the user acquaints with it. The use of the information and/or the documents available on this site is made under the whole and only responsibility of the user, which accepts all of the consequences which can ensue from it, without the publisher can be looked for as such, and without recourse against the latter. The publisher can be held responsible on no account for any damage of whatever nature resulting from the interpretation or from the use of the information and/or the documents available on this site.

Access to the site

The publisher tries hard to allow the access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, safe in case of « force majeure » or of an event outside the control of the publisher, and subject to the possible breakdowns and the interventions of maintenance necessary for the smooth running of the site and the services. Consequently, the publisher cannot guarantee an availability of the site and\or the services, the reliability of the transmissions and the performances in term of response time or quality. No technical support face to face of the user is planned whether it is by electronic or phone ways. The responsibility of the publisher could not be engaged in case of impossibility of access to this site and\or use of the services. Besides, the publisher can be brought to interrupt the site or the part of the services, at any time without advance notice, the whole without right for compensations. The user recognizes and accepts that the publisher is not responsible for interruptions, and for consequences which can ensue from it for the user or quite third.

Modification of conditions of use

The publisher reserves to himself the possibility of modifying, at any time and without advance notice, the present conditions of use to adapt them to the evolutions of the site and/or his exploitation.

Usage rules of Internet

The user declares to accept the characteristics and the limits of Internet, in particular recognizes that: the publisher assumes no responsibility on the accessible services by Internet and exercises no control whatever shape it is on the nature and the characteristics of the data which could pass in transit through its host computer. The user recognizes that the data circulating on the Internet are not protected in particular against the possible diversions. The presence of the logo of Littoral Airlines establishes a simple assumption of validity. The communication of any information judged by the user of sensitive or confidential nature is made at his/her own risk. The user recognizes that the data circulating on the Internet can be regulated in terms of use or be protected by a property right. The user is solely responsible for the use of the data which he consults, questions and transfers on the Internet. The user recognizes that the publisher has no means of control on the contents of the accessible services on the Internet.

Applicable right

Both the present site and the modalities and the conditions of its use are governed by the French law, whatever is the place of use. In case of possible contesting, and after the failure of any attempt of search for an amicable solution, the French courts will be only competent to know of this dispute. For any question relative to the present conditions of use of the site, you can write us..

Read 6543 times

Pilot in flight

Littoral key figures...

  • Cre: 103 pilot
  • Activit: 132822 flight
  • Flying Tim: 234091 hour
  • Covered distanc: 81059630 Nm

Network credentials

ivao hq

IVAO French division

ivao fr official


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