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Littoral Airlines offers to pilots who ask for it, to have a tutor. The tutor will guide his student on both theoretical and practical aspects, in order to help him to use the IVAO network efficiently or also in order to consolidate the knowledge he already has.

Tutoring is the preferred instruction way at Littoral Airlines. Being friendly, it allows beginners to learn faster than with traditional lessons, thanks to tutor’s experience. The learning curve is progressive and adapted to student’s need. Therefore, there is no standard duration for a tutoring; it will depend on objectives that have been set by the tutor and hos student.

A tutoring can have several different objectives. It can be a complete initiation for piloting, or can be a reinforcement of existing knowledge. It also can deal with navigation procedures, regulation, or on a more technical aspect, such as training on a specific aircraft. In this last case, the aircraft must be available in Littoral Airlines fleet (can be either freeware, payware add-on with Littoral livery).

The most important is to make sure that the student will be able to fly on IVAO network, mastering procedures, and the aircraft he is flying with.

When asking for a tutoring, the future student must explain his motivation, and must also be familiar with the conditions of a tutoring that he will find on the website (tutoring function, organization, interruption situations, scheduling of the tutoring

Have a nice sponsorship !

Read 4281 times Last modified on Thursday, 13 February 2025 19:33

Pilot in flight

Littoral key figures...

  • Cre: 103 pilot
  • Activit: 132822 flight
  • Flying Tim: 234091 hour
  • Covered distanc: 81059630 Nm

Network credentials

ivao hq

IVAO French division

ivao fr official


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